
Observations of a curious person whose life has taken him many places, real and imagined (perhaps)...

Monday, September 27, 2004

I was reading that Mark Chapman is up for a parole hearing, and there have been multiple threats on his life by obsessed John Lennon fans. Is it me, or is human nature completely hilarious? Fall is a beautiful time of year, human nature notwithstanding, for those of us who live in temperate climates, and we are celebrating by having a fake gas fire installed today. Much yelling and banging on pipes going on, but what can replace the homey hiss of natural gas on the hearth? We purchased a special fake log that contains some sort of (toxic, I am sure) mineral chips, which, when moistened and placed inside said log, and then upon the phonyfire, make a crackling sound said to bear an uncanny resemblance to a crackling wood fire. Will advise. I spent enough years with a chain saw, feeding a woodstove as a sole means of heat way up in the Rockies, that splittling wood a la Ronald Reagan does NOT appeal. Give me the remote fire control, dahling.
Being short on time these days, I am grateful to friends who forward satisfying links like this one:

Oh, by the way, I had a call from an old Zen pal, reminding me to vote. I salute his efforts, and urge anyone reading this to act this year to rid Washington of these ghastly thugs.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

He's a suburban bull elk I saw yesterday in Evergreen, Colorado. I was in a hurry, which is too bad, because I want to know what model SUV he drives to work... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Too busy to blog, but thanks to a little help from my friends, here's a link to some serious, and I mean serious, funny talking as academic pursuit. Its a gas, man... (thanks and a top o' the Hatlo hat to M.)-


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